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Templated Responses

Template responses can be used by agents for responding to chat, email or sms. Templated responses are specific to a channel, and to a queue.

Template responses can be configured under Contact Centre--> instance --> Settings -->Agents-->Templated Responses. Click on Manage your templates.

The list of current Templated responses are displayed on the page, and can be filtered by channels (Chat, Email, SMS) by clicking on the Channel name filter at the top. The list show template name, the text content, type (Chat, Email, SMS) and queues assigned.

To create a new Template Response:

  • Click on the + sign . Fill in the name, the template type (Chat, Email, SMS) and the content.
  • Select all queues or some queues for the template to be available from. For some queues, select the queues (one at a time) for the template to be available from.
  • Click Save