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Insights Reporting

NEONNOW includes a powerful reporting platform that allows you to create custom reports and dashboards.

NEONNOW Insights reporting are build using AWS's Quicksight reporting tool. This provides a rich set of reporting capabilities, including the ability to create custom reports. For more information on Quicksight, see the Quicksight documentation

Reports can be accessed directly from NEONNOW, via the 'Reports' menu option. This embeds the report as an iframe, using the Quicksight Embeddable SDK. In addition, depending on the use-case, reports can be accessed via Quicksight directly.

Report Overview

There are three key reports groupings:

  1. Wallboard - a real-time, impactful report showing simple metrics for the contact centre
  2. Performance Today - a report showing key metrics for the current day in more detail, across both agent and queue views
  3. Analytics - reports focussing on historical contact center performance over time, and across a range of metrics

For a detailed overview of the reports, please see the Supervisor Reporting Overview page.

Creating Custom Reports

It is possible to create custom reports for certain user groups to use on an ad-hoc basis, as well as to override embedded reports in NEONNOW.

The following provides a list of steps to create a custom report override:

  1. It is assumed the report will be a copy of an existing dashboard - so first, create a copy of the dashboard you want to override
  2. Carry out modifications to new Dashboard as required
  3. Share the Dashboard with the NEONNOW service user - this will be provided to you by your NEONNOW account manager
  4. Note the dashboard UUID - this will appear in the URL at the top of the Quicksight UI - e.g.
  5. Login to NEONNOW admin portal
  6. Select the Contact Centre you want to manage, then select 'Customise'
  7. Select 'Features' then under the 'Insights' section, tick the 'Override' checkbox
  8. Enter the Dashboard UUID from step 4
  9. Refresh the NEONNOW UI - the new dashboard should now be visible