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If your NEONNOW instance has webchat enabled as a customer contact channel, this guide provides information on how to handle these as inbound interactions.

Inbound Chats Notifications

When an inbound chat is routed to a NEONNOW softphone the following notification will appear:


Active Chat Screen

The following screen is presented to the contact centre agent for an active chat.

To add note around Chat controls


Chat Bots

In some NEONNOW deployments, a chatbot may be deployed. If a chatbot is deployed, then the chat transcript of the conversation between the customer and chatbot will appear.


Like Email & SMS, templates can be used to send pre-defined outbound messages templates to customers.

To include a template in the message, select the template icon, and select the required template.

If desired, enter a search term, then select the Template.


Transferring Chats

Transferring all active interactions is carried out in the same way. Please refer to Softphone Transfers

Wrap Codes & Notes

Entering a wrap code is an optional step, which applies to all interaction types. Please refer to ACW Wrap Codes