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After Call Work (ACW) and Wrap Codes

If configured in your NEONNOW instance, wrap codes and notes can be entered either during an active call, or after the call has ended.

After a Conference

The wrap codes and notes left by the last agent who completes After-Contact Work (ACW) for a conference will be retained. For instance, if Agent 2 exits the conference and provides a wrap code, then Agent 1 exits and provides another wrap code, the code provided by Agent 1 will be logged for that interaction.


Depending on how your administrator has configured ACW, wrap codes and notes may be set to mandatory, optional (skippable) or unavailable in your contact centre.

Different wrap codes may be assigned to specific queues.

Select a wrap code from the drop-down (1) or enter Notes (2).

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Saving or Skipping Entry

If wrap codes have not been set as mandatory in your NEONNOW instance, select 'skip' (2) to not enter a wrap code. Otherwise, select the complete button (1).

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